August 27, 2008

allo allo

Well hello! I've had a livejournal for 4 years now but I never write in it anymore and when I do want to write it's really just about my latest crafting endeavor or what worship song made me cry while driving around that day. So...I thought I'd start a new blog to document my crafty fun and maybe post a theological epiphany every now and then.

I currently have a purple vinyl bag in the idea process to use for school AND an awesome knit piece for a friend's birthday. I can't post that till after monday (her birthday).

Well I must head to class now, till next time, bye!


  1. I am very excited that you started a blog!! I can't wait to see all of your creations!!! Lovie Love you!

  2. i got you into lj and you got me into blogger :-P
