Hey hey hey!
19 days till Christmas!!!
I've been keeping busy with crafting, decorating, gnoming, singing and perfecting my bangs. It all sounds so interesting doesn't it?! A truly glamorous existence over here, I promise you.
I made some cute little bunting to hang in our bathroom to decorate for Christmas without it being too shiny and tinsely. I love how it turned out! I made another in green/yellows/greys for a friend who is away from home for a while and needed something cheerful to hang.

I've also been perfecting my little gnome pattern redo and sending them off to journey around the world. These little guys just make me so happy, especially all grouped together. I'm working on finishing the re-done Christmas tree pattern that can go with these guys so I can complete my Christmas Santa set. We'll see if I get around to making them available for order. I might be able to crank out a few sets if anyone is interested.

Christmas time is here and I love how our home feels now. Christmas tree up, stockings hung, twinkly lights and glittery ornaments up, and the apartment is actually clean...this is huge.
I'm working on some fun tall, skinny, felt Christmas trees for the mantle. Hope to get those done this weekend.

I found these adorable skull and crossbones buttons at the craft store last week and immediatly knew I had to get them to make something for these 2 girls at my church. I even got some sparkle pink felt and used some sparkly black and pink tulle. They scream hardcore girl! So excited to give them to them soon.
Chuy is becoming more snuggly by the day. He normally hates anything on top of him but the other morning he stayed in bed like this until we were ready to walk out the door. He's just too cute. Love my little poodle.

I plan to write some wordier posts soon. I even have some topics swirling around in my head, just need to find the motivation and the mood to write to get them done. I'll leave you with the topics so you can wait in anticipation (because I know your life depends on what I write here.....riiiight), and I'll feel more obligated to actually write them. :)
- Why I got a tattoo
- Our love story...and how it almost wasn't (several posts)
- How to knit a gnome