It's been a year and a half since my last jaw surgery. This is the longest I've gone without surgery since I had the big one in January of 06. I'd been doing great until about 3 or so months ago. Now I can't even take a nap on the couch without ending up with a massive pain in my left TMJ (temporomandibular joint). It's also hard to sing too much which just kills me!
Well, I finally called my surgeon today and I'm going to see him on Friday to see what going on with me. I'm pretty sure there's no more cartilage left in my left joint, which is just lame...literally, heh.
So yeah.
In the meantime I'm interning at my church, knitting randomness, enjoying the sun and spending time with David.
Oh that's a pic of all the little toys i've knit for David. There are plans for a pirate monster to be knit soon I hope :) I lucked out getting a guy who likes the toys I make!
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