I have to raise a good amount of money to go, most of which I have not raised yet. I'm not worried though, I have faith God will provide...He always has :) The total cost fro travel, airfare, room and board and meals is $1500. So far I have $190 in my account at church.
I just sent out letters to most of my family and family friends asking for prayers and any monetary contribution they feel led to give. I also decided to make some cute canvas tote bags to sell as a way of raising money for the trip. 100% of the money I get for these bags will go straight to my account for the trip this summer.
You can see by the magazine pics how big they are. I bought enough materials to make 24 bags, but as of right now I've made three. If any of you would like to order one let me know and I'll start cranking them out.
If you'd like to order a bag you can comment here or email me at randamocity@gmail.com. Mostly I would love your prayers! Going on any length of mission trip is hard but rewarding work and only possible with my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ lifting me up from around the world :)
Miranda, I would LOVE a bag! Do you have other colors available?