My sister has been asking me to make her a camera case for a while now. In the midst of school I just never got around to it. I bribed her into bringing me food a few weeks ago by telling her I'd make her the case that night. I got delicious whataburger chicken and she got a camera case!

The outside is some black vinyl I had and the inside is lime fleece. The same fleece foxxy is made out of. She went through my huge button collection and ended up wanting a fabric covered button. We went through all my prints and she picked out the most colorful one I had.

I knit a simple i-cord for the loop. I like how i-cord stretches some and is stronger than a simple loop of yarn. It also adds another nice texture to the case.

I ended up hand stitching the top of the case. It was too small to easily fit in my machine and I decided it would look neater with a simple blanket stitch. I think it turned out great and Miriah loved it.

That same weekend I managed to misplace my own camera case that I made nearly three years ago. I'm pretty sure it's in my parent's living room somewhere but I have yet to find it. I was knitting up a swatch of a tweed pattern in one of my new knitting books yesterday and thought I should make the swatch useful and knit it big enough to fit around my camera.

I love this pattern! I knit it in caron simply soft in yellow, light grey and dark grey. As complex as this pattern looks, it's so simple!

I can't wait to get a picture of the case in use. It ended up fitting perfectly. I even got to use one of my newly wound balls of yarn. I think I forgot to mention that my mom got me a yarn winder for my birthday. I
love it! When I was supposed to be studying I went through all my yarn (there's a lot!) and wound all of it that I could into a cute little ball. They have flat tops and bottoms so they don't roll around and they're center pull as well.

A true knitting nerd; I get excited by a well wound ball.
This is beautiful...how I wish there was something like this for an SLR :}