First off my sister turned 20. I still look at her like she's around 12 but no...20. Her entering her twenties makes me feel old. Ah well, age means I've survived and my story is that much longer.
She was born on groundhog day 2/2. I don't usually take this into account when trying to figure out what to give her as a gift but this year I found the perfect groundhog thing to make her. I was browsing random blogs looking for a pattern for arm warmers (what i originally was going to make her) and I ran across an adorable groundhog pattern at mochimochi.
I fell in love with it instantly. I had some brown yarn leftover from previous projects and thought I had enough so I cast on for the dirt mound. Sadly, I did not have enough. I had to rip out a lot of work and go find some yarn. I found the perfect browns at michaels and luckily I had some scrap black and green for the rest. I cast on the Saturday before her birthday, knit after church, knit during the super bowl at our college party, and finished it up at home that night. It was a lot of knitting but very fun.
I found this cute little garden pail at michaels and decided to put it the groundhog in there instead of a gift bag. It ended up fitting great and looked way cute. I even painted her nickname (squirt) on the pail with green fabric paint.
I gave it to her when we went out to eat with the fam. She loved it! Luckily I have family and friends who appreciate knit toys as gifts, ha.
The "second" part of this post will come later :)
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