My sister, Miriah, sprained her ankle pretty bad today in her jogging class. I haven't seen it yet but she said she burst a blood vessel so the bruising is pretty bad and she's in quite a bit of pain.
Well, I wanted to make something tonight, something I hadn't ever made before...
I introduce to you...foxxy!

I made her from some leftover lime and charcoal grey fleece I had laying around. Green is her favorite color, especially lime...i think.

I love the simplicity of Foxxy. The nose is an appliqued triangle, and the eyes are satin stitch. The little lime heart on the rear is a simple split stitch.

I can't wait to give it to her tomorrow sometime. Hopefully it will cheer her up a bit.

I also can't wait to make some more of these soon. I have a lot of leftover fleece in fun colors that would be great for a menagerie of cuddly little creatures!
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