oh goodness. busy busy busy!
Christmas was great and I finished all but one gift. I'll be knitting MeMaw's beret while I'm in New Orleans next week. I hope to post pics of everything I made sometime soon. I sadly didn't get pics of everything, but I'm sure I can figure that out.
My parents got me a serger, olfa cutting boards and cutters, a bunch of scissors and dvds. Everything was great and I can't wait to get home and try everything out soon!
On a non-craft note...I have strep for the third time this year. I was trying hard to not get sick, got my flu shot, drinking more water(kinda). Still got the strep. I'm hoping to get rid of it by wednesday for my church's big youth event for new year's eve. David and I have been singing at it for the past three years. I had to sit out two years ago due to bronchitis so pray I can make it this year! I just love leading worship for hundreds of young teens. God is soo good and allows me to take part in that :)
Better update coming soon. Until then....happy new year!!
December 29, 2008
December 20, 2008
finished my first embroidery gift on the list tonight. can't show you yet though, the recipient might see it!
December 16, 2008
makin' a list. checkin' it twice!
Man was it cold today. I'm so glad school is out for the semester. No more fighting the ridiculous wind on my way to class at 8 in the morning. I actually do love the cold weather, just not the wind. It just doesn't seem to agree with the ol' asthma. Ah well. I love bundling up and getting to actually wear all my knit creations.
Speaking of knitting..I'm almost done with the beret for my cousin, just 12 more rows to go! Then I can cast on for my MeMaw's beret. Hers should be simpler and quicker. Left on my knitting list then will be David's surprises, an order from a friend at church and possibly a scarf for David's family's gift exchange. His mom wanted everyone to make their gifts this year which I think is just awesome.
I have a few embroidery gifts on my list as well. I've never embroidered anything for anyone before so I'm hoping I can plan my time well in the next 10 days...ack 9 days! Luckily I'm a pro at working under pressure.
I did manage to finish the bags for my little cousins this past week. I love them so much. Just the right amount of color and sparkle for any sophisticated young girl.

Aren't they fun? I really hope they like them. Now I just need to figure out what exactly to make for their little 6 year old brother. I'm thinking a drawstring back pack with some trucks or cars on it.

I also finished up my Christmas cards tonight. Well...mostly. The cards are all made and the envelopes addressed, now I just need to actually write in them and then send them off. I'm hopeful for tomorrow but we'll see. Maybe I can also get some better pictures of them tomorrow during the daytime.

On a non crafty note, my family took our Christmas card pictures yesterday. We used to go for the traditional family poses with everyone sitting or standing and smiling. Then about 8 years ago when taking our normal pictures, we took some silly ones too. While sifting through all the takes trying to decide on the best one to send to everyone we realized the goofy pictures looked the best. They really showed our personalities and smiles best. From then on out all our pictures have been fun and silly. Here are a few of the ones from yesterday.

Had to throw that last one in for fun. Isn't my boy just so stylish? :) Hope to update soon with more finished Christmas gifts. Until then, hope everyone is enjoying the cold!
Speaking of knitting..I'm almost done with the beret for my cousin, just 12 more rows to go! Then I can cast on for my MeMaw's beret. Hers should be simpler and quicker. Left on my knitting list then will be David's surprises, an order from a friend at church and possibly a scarf for David's family's gift exchange. His mom wanted everyone to make their gifts this year which I think is just awesome.
I have a few embroidery gifts on my list as well. I've never embroidered anything for anyone before so I'm hoping I can plan my time well in the next 10 days...ack 9 days! Luckily I'm a pro at working under pressure.
I also finished up my Christmas cards tonight. Well...mostly. The cards are all made and the envelopes addressed, now I just need to actually write in them and then send them off. I'm hopeful for tomorrow but we'll see. Maybe I can also get some better pictures of them tomorrow during the daytime.
On a non crafty note, my family took our Christmas card pictures yesterday. We used to go for the traditional family poses with everyone sitting or standing and smiling. Then about 8 years ago when taking our normal pictures, we took some silly ones too. While sifting through all the takes trying to decide on the best one to send to everyone we realized the goofy pictures looked the best. They really showed our personalities and smiles best. From then on out all our pictures have been fun and silly. Here are a few of the ones from yesterday.
December 9, 2008
only in Texas..
It was 82 degrees when I checked the weather around 1pm. Tonight there's a cold front moving in and we might have snow mixed in with the rain.
What the heck?!
On a crafty note...
I finally made my official gift list of things to make and I have more to do than I thought! I should easily get two things checked off this evening for my little cousins. There's no way I'll let finals get in the way of my craftiness :)
What the heck?!
On a crafty note...
I finally made my official gift list of things to make and I have more to do than I thought! I should easily get two things checked off this evening for my little cousins. There's no way I'll let finals get in the way of my craftiness :)
December 5, 2008
December 4, 2008
December 3, 2008
i'm making stockings!
One for me, one for David, and one for my roommate. I thought they'd be cute to hang in the apartment. They're all felt and so far, completely hand sewn and embroidered. I'm hoping to finish them tomorrow night, bet we'll see. Hopefully pictures soon!
December 1, 2008
December is here and so is the cold! Well, Texas cold :) There is a definite chill in the air tonight. David and I enjoyed the cold between Mexican food and a trip to hobby lobby. I managed to buy too much felt which I plan on turning into some cute stockings and ornaments. I'm also in the middle of making my Christmas cards that I will hope to send out sometime next week.
I love Christmas time.
I love Christmas time.
November 29, 2008
if only it'd snow..
the holidays are finally here, and the proof is in my cereal bowl! This is easily my favorite time of year. The lights, decorations, family, giving gifts to everyone I love, and most of all, remembering everything the Lord has done for us. People seem to be nicer around this time of year too (unless you're out shopping in which case they're just plain crazy!)
I have a long list of gifts to make for Christmas. I checked one off my list last night! Well, I can check it off as soon as I add buttons.
November 25, 2008
well forget that..
Well my intention to post everyday in November has died, ha. Life gets the best of us I suppose.
I won't be able to post some of my completed projects until after Christmas since ya know...they're gifts...and gifts are surprises! There will be a massive post after Christmas though. Maybe even some teasers before.
School is wrapping up. I really only have one more project before finals, and only one of those is cumulative. It might as well be Christmas break :)
Time to clean up from dinner and the project I worked on tonight.
I won't be able to post some of my completed projects until after Christmas since ya know...they're gifts...and gifts are surprises! There will be a massive post after Christmas though. Maybe even some teasers before.
School is wrapping up. I really only have one more project before finals, and only one of those is cumulative. It might as well be Christmas break :)
Time to clean up from dinner and the project I worked on tonight.
November 19, 2008
new beginnings
November 18, 2008
buttons buttons buttons..
November 17, 2008
November 15, 2008
so much to do..
I finally finished MeMaw's hat while I was visiting her at the hospital yesterday. It turned out much better than I was expecting. When she woke up I gave it to her and she loved it. It fit right over her bandage. i did have to take the ribbon off after a few minutes because it was putting too much pressure on her bandages and staples. Once all the swelling goes down and the bandages come off it can go back on. It looks great on her and the edge cuts the glare of all the hospital lights for her. Her eyes have been bothering her for a while now and bright lights are too much.
All in all it turned out perfect! It fits perfectly. The color looks fabulous on her. It's soft. It makes her eyes more comfortable. Awesome :)
I have another long day ahead of me. David is going to go to the hospital with me again today to see MeMaw and hopefully catch my cousin and her 3 kiddos there too. Actually my whole family on my mom's side should be there. My mom, her sister and 2 brothers, cousin, her kids, me and my sister. It's like Christmas and our gift is a healthy MeMaw!
After the hospital David and I have an engagement dinner to go to. So excited to see Steph and Bo and spend some time with them.
Oh AND the low tonight is like 33. yay!
November 13, 2008
mr bear goes purple
I want to thank everyone who has been praying for her. God definitely heard yall and was with her every second.
November 12, 2008
i finally finished the diaper bag! there were frustrating moments and very enjoyable easy moments. all in all i'm pleased with the final outcome. i'll have some better pictures tomorrow when the sun comes up.
i still have the changing pad and blanket to finish. easy peasy compared to the bag, haha.
on a non-craft note. i got gas for $1.95/gal today. it was beautiful!
November 10, 2008
November 9, 2008
November 8, 2008
lazy saturdays
today was another eventful but not kind of day.
what did i do?
knit hat.
worked on diaper bag.
knit hat.
ate mexican with david.
knit hat.
and now i'm here.
i'm not used to knitting with such small yarn and needle size. it seems to be taking forever. i've got about 3 inches done with maybe 4 more to go. I hope to try it on my MeMaw this coming week before I begin my decreases. i'm sure i'll make some good progress on it soon, hats can just be so boring sometimes :-P
November 7, 2008
missed a day already.
yesterday was eventful but also relaxing and laid back. i love that combo. get to feel rested without feeling lazy. beautiful.
i got my pink mr. bear done yesterday afternoon. my camera battery is near dead s no pics tonight. I might wait till I get the whole set done to post pics actually. a teaser though...bigger ears, way cute!
Today, i got the last of the fabrics I needed for the diaper bag and cut the main pieces out. i got tired of it for some reason and turned to knitting MeMaw's hat instead. I finished the lace on the brim and am nearly done with the loops for the ribbon tie. Had to stop because my fingers are achey. I wish i could figure out how to prevent that, guess it's the size 4 needles.
Battery is gonna die soon and I'm too lazy to plug this in. Till tomorrow...
yesterday was eventful but also relaxing and laid back. i love that combo. get to feel rested without feeling lazy. beautiful.
i got my pink mr. bear done yesterday afternoon. my camera battery is near dead s no pics tonight. I might wait till I get the whole set done to post pics actually. a teaser though...bigger ears, way cute!
Today, i got the last of the fabrics I needed for the diaper bag and cut the main pieces out. i got tired of it for some reason and turned to knitting MeMaw's hat instead. I finished the lace on the brim and am nearly done with the loops for the ribbon tie. Had to stop because my fingers are achey. I wish i could figure out how to prevent that, guess it's the size 4 needles.
Battery is gonna die soon and I'm too lazy to plug this in. Till tomorrow...
November 5, 2008
It feels good to only have a 3 day week of school. Both my professors are at conferences tomorrow so no class for me! What shall I do with all that free time?
sleep in. start the diaper bag. knit. awesome.
I just cast on a hat for my MeMaw. They're going to shave part of her head for the surgery so I told her I'd make her a hat. It needed to be super soft, a subtle pretty color, and not too snug fitting. I also wanted some sort of decorative edge and the ability to loosen or tighten it with a ribbon or i-cord. I searched ravelry for a few hours, showing options to my mom and we finally settled on one that seems perfect so far!

It's the Chapeau Marnier from knitty summer 2007. I'm knitting it in Bernat stin sport in Clear Sky. It's a bit bigger than the recommended yarn and i'm using size 4s instead of 2s. I'm hoping this will make it a bit looser for her.
Well off to knit. Hope to have some progress shots tomorrow :)
sleep in. start the diaper bag. knit. awesome.
I just cast on a hat for my MeMaw. They're going to shave part of her head for the surgery so I told her I'd make her a hat. It needed to be super soft, a subtle pretty color, and not too snug fitting. I also wanted some sort of decorative edge and the ability to loosen or tighten it with a ribbon or i-cord. I searched ravelry for a few hours, showing options to my mom and we finally settled on one that seems perfect so far!

It's the Chapeau Marnier from knitty summer 2007. I'm knitting it in Bernat stin sport in Clear Sky. It's a bit bigger than the recommended yarn and i'm using size 4s instead of 2s. I'm hoping this will make it a bit looser for her.
Well off to knit. Hope to have some progress shots tomorrow :)
now on to more important things
i'm glad all this election business is finally over. i've never been one for politics, i just don't like them. so anyways!
on a non-crafty note. a week or so ago we found out my MeMaw (mom's mom) has a benign brain tumor about the size of a golf ball in front of her pituitary gland between her eyes. She's having surgery to try to remove it next Thursday at 8am. If any of yall are prayers I would appreciate that so much. I have faith that God is going to take care of her and be with her during every second of the surgery and afterwards during her recovery.

ok i have lots of journals to write for a class...yay..
on a non-crafty note. a week or so ago we found out my MeMaw (mom's mom) has a benign brain tumor about the size of a golf ball in front of her pituitary gland between her eyes. She's having surgery to try to remove it next Thursday at 8am. If any of yall are prayers I would appreciate that so much. I have faith that God is going to take care of her and be with her during every second of the surgery and afterwards during her recovery.

ok i have lots of journals to write for a class...yay..
November 3, 2008
some random stitches
It's nice to be home after a day full of exams. Family & Personal Resource Management, Consumer Law, and Food Systems...whew!
I had to use my jump drive today to print something at school and I thought some kind of strap on it would be nice to make it easier to find in my bag. Of course this distracted me from my tests and all I could think about was sewing, heh. As soon as I got home I remembered this tutorial which inspired me, found some scraps and whipped one up! I love simple quick projects. So gratifying.

I tend to go in phases of sewing a lot, then knitting a lot, then sewing a lot, maybe some painting...and it continues. Lately has been a sewing phase. I've also done a bit of knitting and completely failed to post any pictures of it. A few are small toys, remember..i like instant gratification :) I also knit a scarf with some Noro in color 182 that my roommate got for me in St. Johns, Newfoundland. I only had one skein so it took me a while to think of something to make with it. I thought I'd try a simple lace scarf and I love it. Onto the visuals..
I had to use my jump drive today to print something at school and I thought some kind of strap on it would be nice to make it easier to find in my bag. Of course this distracted me from my tests and all I could think about was sewing, heh. As soon as I got home I remembered this tutorial which inspired me, found some scraps and whipped one up! I love simple quick projects. So gratifying.
I tend to go in phases of sewing a lot, then knitting a lot, then sewing a lot, maybe some painting...and it continues. Lately has been a sewing phase. I've also done a bit of knitting and completely failed to post any pictures of it. A few are small toys, remember..i like instant gratification :) I also knit a scarf with some Noro in color 182 that my roommate got for me in St. Johns, Newfoundland. I only had one skein so it took me a while to think of something to make with it. I thought I'd try a simple lace scarf and I love it. Onto the visuals..
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