On New Year's Eve my church does a big worship celebration/lock-in for the youth. David and I have been leading worship for the past four years and this one was the best yet! Everything went so well. The speaker was great, I think around 65 kids made decisions of salvation or rededication. After the midnight countdown I went bowling with our guitarist, drummer, and their girls. David opted for laser tag with his cousin. We all ended up back at His house around 3am where we crashed while watching the food network or something like that. It was a wonderful wasy to ring in 2009!
And now, I'm in the middle of doing laundry and packing up for a small college mission trip to New Orleans. we're leaving at 5:30am tomorrow and will be back on the 8th. Pray for safe travel and that God can use us while we're there.
Obviously I won't be updating while there, my macbook will actually be in the shop getting a new bottom shell. It'll be pretty shiny and white again by the time I get home! I'll leave yall with some pics till next time!
I used to make little sculptures out of sculpey clay all the time back in high school and the first year or so of college. My dad loves them and I've made him quite a few little piggies over the years. I decided to get out my box of clay and make him another one for Christmas this year. I was stumped for a while on what to have the piggy doing and I finally decided on it holding a little snowman. My dad also likes snowmen a lot. I finished it in the wee hours on Christmas morning. When he opened it in the morning he loved it!
My mom's gift I actually finished quite a while back. I just never posted pics because I think she tends to read this from time to time. Couldn't give away any of my surprises! I made her a cabled neck warmer out of a cashmere blend. It's super soft and cozy and just right for keeping your neck warm without all the bulk of a sweater under your jacket.
My roommate is a craftster as well so I wanted ot make her something fun and useful. I found htis image online somewhere and love it. It's a craft ninja! She loves knitting so a ninja weilding knitting needles and scissors is perfect. I ended up buying a little box with a frame on the lid at michaels, painted it black with bright green on the inside and put the embroidery in the frame. This was also a late night project so I forgot to get a picture of it in the box. I'll get one when we're both back home from all our Christmas break escapades. Here's what I got when it was still on the hoop.
I got David a few little things. He's obsessed with James Bond...obsessed! He can name any movie on tv within 2 seconds of it being on, in any scene. It's a bit ridiculous, but it's fun. I got him the first three Bond books Ian Flemming wrote back in the 50s. Since it's a series I now have birthday and anniversary gifts possibly lined up too :) I also knit him a hat to replace one I amde him last year that he lost somewhere. I haven't taken pictures yet but hope to this week. His final gift was a little resistor I knit for him. He got really into making pedals for his electric guitar and was doing a lot of soldering and resisitor fiddling. This was my favorite part and he thought it was awesome. I'm so lucky to have a guy who thinks my knit toys are great.
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