As far back as I can remember I've always loved color. My room growing up had purple walls, blue shelves and a green door (all pastels). My first apartment had a hot pink living room and bright teal bedroom. My current bedroom is the same teal and my living room is grey with some purple accent walls. Love love love it! Even the candy canes hanging on my lamp are rainbow colors :)
I'm sure you've noticed most of my work is in an array of colors. Neutral and pale colors just don't do it for me.
Tonight I finished up a few small projects, all of which used a different color. I finished a new knit flower to wear in my hair. This one is black, a bit smaller, and has one of my vintage buttons from MeMaw in the center. I'm wearing it right now :)
I also found a bag of colorful wooden beads I got from church last year and decided to use a few of them. I crocheted a long chain stitch necklace in black yarn and hung two beads on the end. Very simple but the bold orange and pink really add something.
While admiring all the fun projects on one pretty thing i found a cute tissue holder tute. It's extremely simple. I used some yellow felt and sewed the edges with teal and lime green thread. I changed the original a bit by overlapping the opening edges a bit so the tissues would stay covered in my bag.
Such a productive evening (other than the fact that I did all this while not finishing up a project for class tomorrow, heh). Oh by the way, did yall know I sing in a praise/worship band? We played at a Disciple Now this weekend in Bastrop. I don't have pics of that but I got a pic of three of the guys setting up before our practice on Saturday. I love singing with them. (that's my david in the red shirt)
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